Donna is a powerful and wise healer and teacher who works behind the scenes to break karmic cords and energies which may be holding one back from attaining one's own freedom. She helped me get out my own self-constructed trap of living for my parents out of guilt and over a year supported me through opening my own healing business process and to break free to pursue my own dreams that I seemed unable to fathom taking seriously in the past. I feel like I'm now at the beginning of a whole new life and I've liberated myself enough to see it more clearly and jump in with full motivation and energy.
"Oh Donna I truly think this is your best grid I've ever listened to!!
Just phenomenal... thank you so much - Venus Love Grid"
For sure going back to see Donna who is a beautiful Angel and manifests her belief of peace and harmony in a very strong way. Thank you Donna
This is a heartfelt thank you to the incredible Donna and the Spectrum family.
I have now had the pleasure of knowing and experiencing Donna's work at Spectrum for almost a decade. There is nothing else like these sessions. I would not be the person I am today, not have experienced some of the most beautiful sides of life and would have struggled to get through some devastating situations without Donna's guidance and her incredible work. Every single session I come out feeling calm, aligned and truly myself. I have learnt so much.
Thank you Donna. For your guidance, your passion and your love and for sharing your incredible gift.
Donna and her gifted connection to spirit not only guided and strengthened my husband's spirituality and overall well-being through the journey of terminal diagnoses and his premature demise but to me as a grieving widow now facing a new life with my son. Through her, I am experiencing the connect to spirit and directly with my husband and learning to recreate our relationship through the spiritual realm. How blessed are we to have Donna guiding us through this journey? VERY!! Each session has seen layers of anger and grief drop from my being and I am able to look at the future in a more positive light with spirit by my side. Thank you, angel woman
I can't thank you enough Donna for helping me move from feeling broken to empowered and ready to tackle life properly at last
Donna is amazing, soft, tough, loving, light, clear and honest. I love seeing her to receive help on my journey. Every time I leave I feel better, more authentic, more like myself. She can help clear really big blocks and also help put things into place and perspective. I'm very grateful to have met her and to receive healing from her. I can highly recommend working with Donna for healing, guidance and general wellbeing. No matter where you are at, Donna is able to help
Donna creates a space where I feel safe, where honesty and love are my experiences. When I met Donna at my first session I felt such warmth and knew without a doubt that it was right, I had finally found my way to someone that would help me shed years of anger, self-doubt, and fear, I was able to forgive. I love how real Donna is, how grounded and connected she is. I always come away feeling that together we have placed another piece of my puzzle where it's supposed to be, I am truly grateful for such a healing space. Donna is such a beautiful Soul and is very dear to me indeed. With lots of love xx
Donna has the wisdom, patience, and ear to interpret what appear to us to be conflicted and confused messages. She listens, hears and directs us to a calmer place of peace and understanding. Excellent
Clarity Originally I had booked to see Donna for the feeling of lack of trust within myself. She not only confirmed this and help clear those energetic blocks but help expand my own consciousness by educating me on the 'why'. This truly allowed me to feel safe and confident within myself to help move beyond those limiting beliefs. Thank you, Donna, and look forward to the continuing journey of self-mastery :)
Spectrum Healing what an amazing woman and being Donna is..the most full of love person I have ever met, complete unconditional love and connection is what she embodies..the most feminine and powerful light worker I have met..she is purity and truth personified.
What can I say! Donna is just amazing! She has taught me things I would have never even been conscious about. I have spent majority of my life as go go go and she has completely brought me back to living a calm and stress free life. I am truly grateful for her endless amounts of wisdom, joy fullness, happiness and over all love. Donna has opened my eyes to a whole new way of seeing things and a whole new perspective on life. She has continuously taught me to be the most authentic and unique version of myself. I couldn't be more grateful to have such an amazing woman in my life. I Highly recommend!
Donna is a powerful and wise healer and teacher who works behind the scenes to break karmic cords and energies which may be holding one back from attaining one's own freedom. She helped me get out my own self-constructed trap of living for my parents out of guilt and over a year supported me through opening my own healing business process and to break free to pursue my own dreams that I seemed unable to fathom taking seriously in the past. I feel like I'm now at the beginning of a whole new life and I've liberated myself enough to see it more clearly and jump in with full motivation and energy.
Donna, getting to know has been, and is a special gift for which I thank the universe. You have helped transform me, and it has changed my life. You have listened, challenged, guided, taught, and healed me. You are helping me become my true self; a happier, freer, better and deeper person full of love. You have opened my eyes and soul to a wonderful spiritual world of amazing energy, love and respect.
Your care and believe in me. Thank you so much. I am truly grateful. You are amazing.
Meeting Donna has been one of my life's biggest blessings! It's hard to put into words the way she can tune into one's soul and bring to light the things we try to bury in the dark. Perhaps the greatest lesson Donna has taught me is to FEEL my emotions, whatever they are. To recognise them, appreciate them, understand them, and then when they no longer serve... to let them go. When life feels like a tidal pool of stress and worry... Donna and Spectrum Healing are like a breath of fresh air. Since meeting Donna, I can feel my soul getting lighter and more free. I often catch myself dancing in the mornings and laughing a little more. Thank you Donna and Spectrum Healing for bringing the light out of everyone you meet.
Magic! I have seen Donna 4 times now and it's been the most incredible conscious decision I've ever made in my life.. She is truly amazing. Unconditional love and light is what I feel every time I walk out of spectrum healing.. The divine space in which you are held for however long you are in there is out of this universe.. If you are open to it.. It's better than winning the lotto!! Bless Spectrum Healing, Bless the AMAZING DONNA
She is ok…Ha! No, actually, Donna is awesome! So refreshing to meet a healer who genuinely connects with you. Donna understands the relationship between light and dark, which means she deals with the Truth in Light by knowing intimately what the Dark is all about. Highly recommend! Yes, I'm in Love!
My First Spiritual Experience -My wife recently had a spiritual reading a colleague of Donna's. During this reading it was recommended that Donna could assist me with some of my medical conditions - Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, shallow breathing and general state of mind. Whilst I was unsure how she would be able to assist me I was willing to give it a go. My wife made an appointment and off I went a couple of days ago. Donna was a wonderful caring and welcoming women who made me feel very comfortable. She explained carefully how she would be able to help me before helping to clear a number of blockages extending from years gone bye, even back to my entry to this world. Like many others have said in reviews, when I left her I felt lighter, healthier and able to think more clearly. She has asked me to return in a couple of months and I have no hesitation in returning. If you are unsure about seeing Donna, please do yourself a favour and just make the appointment
An Amazing Revelation - Donna.....What an Amazing woman. Im just at the start of my Journey at Spectrum Healing and I can not wait for the next visit.... I am so ready to find out who I am, to feel the Freedom to be who I am..... :-)
Kind words from Clients
As an Integrative Doctor, acknowledging the importance of healing at different levels - body, mind and spirit, I have referred many patients to Donna for intuitive and spiritual healing. This represents a significant part of the healing process and the results obtained with Donna’s years of expertise and intuition have been pivotal and a significant part of healing and recovery for patients. Donna has years of experience, including from her own personal life and a wealth of experience in the healing field that make her a key player in patient management. I would highly recommend Donna for those seeking healing at this level and have no hesitation in recommending her to my patients
I first saw Donna almost 15 years ago, where she was able to guide me to discover my authentic self and feel truly connected and happy for the first time in my life. We had an instant connection and I couldn’t recommend her enough to anyone that would listen. Just last year, after losing my beloved partner, I reconnected with Donna. Donna held space for me, helped me deal with the many layers of grief, and get back to feeling like a real person a whole lot quicker than anyone could have ever imagined. Through her fantastic course, living a life full of love, I’ve been able to rebuild and feel stronger than I ever did before.
Thank you Donna. You are an incredible woman xo
Thank you Donna for bringing me home.
Donna's healing is so positive, nourishing, and uplifting. I am definitely committed to myself and I feel lighter and so much better. I am so glad for today and she is amazing.
Feel so amazing – I wrote a mantra a while ago for myself which was 'I am light, love, grace and ease'. That is exactly how I feel. You are very special and talented.
Thank you for the most beautiful healing.
Donna is a powerful and wise healer and teacher who works behind the scenes to break karmic cords and energies which may be holding one back from attaining one's own freedom. She helped me get out my own self-constructed trap of living for my parents out of guilt and over a year supported me through opening my own healing business process and to break free to pursue my own dreams that I seemed unable to fathom taking seriously in the past. I feel like I'm now at the beginning of a whole new life and I've liberated myself enough to see it more clearly and jump in with full motivation and energy.
Oh Donna I truly think this is your best grid I've ever listened to!!
Just phenomenal... thank you so much - Venus Love Grid
For sure going back to see Donna who is a beautiful Angel and manifests her belief of peace and harmony in a very strong way. Thank you Donna
This is a heartfelt thank you to the incredible Donna and the Spectrum family.
I have now had the pleasure of knowing and experiencing Donna's work at Spectrum for almost a decade. There is nothing else like these sessions. I would not be the person I am today, not have experienced some of the most beautiful sides of life and would have struggled to get through some devastating situations without Donna's guidance and her incredible work. Every single session I come out feeling calm, aligned and truly myself. I have learnt so much.
Thank you Donna. For your guidance, your passion and your love and for sharing your incredible gift.
Donna and her gifted connection to spirit not only guided and strengthened my husband's spirituality and overall well-being through the journey of terminal diagnoses and his premature demise but to me as a grieving widow now facing a new life with my son. Through her, I am experiencing the connect to spirit and directly with my husband and learning to recreate our relationship through the spiritual realm. How blessed are we to have Donna guiding us through this journey? VERY!! Each session has seen layers of anger and grief drop from my being and I am able to look at the future in a more positive light with spirit by my side. Thank you, angel woman.
I can't thank you enough Donna for helping me move from feeling broken to empowered and ready to tackle life properly at last
Donna is amazing, soft, tough, loving, light, clear and honest. I love seeing her to receive help on my journey. Every time I leave I feel better, more authentic, more like myself. She can help clear really big blocks and also help put things into place and perspective. I'm very grateful to have met her and to receive healing from her. I can highly recommend working with Donna for healing, guidance and general wellbeing. No matter where you are at, Donna is able to help
Donna creates a space where I feel safe, where honesty and love are my experiences. When I met Donna at my first session I felt such warmth and knew without a doubt that it was right, I had finally found my way to someone that would help me shed years of anger, self-doubt, and fear, I was able to forgive. I love how real Donna is, how grounded and connected she is. I always come away feeling that together we have placed another piece of my puzzle where it's supposed to be, I am truly grateful for such a healing space. Donna is such a beautiful Soul and is very dear to me indeed. With lots of love xx
Donna has the wisdom, patience, and ear to interpret what appear to us to be conflicted and confused messages. She listens, hears and directs us to a calmer place of peace and understanding. Excellent
Clarity Originally I had booked to see Donna for the feeling of lack of trust within myself. She not only confirmed this and help clear those energetic blocks but help expand my own consciousness by educating me on the 'why'. This truly allowed me to feel safe and confident within myself to help move beyond those limiting beliefs. Thank you, Donna, and look forward to the continuing journey of self-mastery :)
Spectrum Healing what an amazing woman and being Donna is..the most full of love person I have ever met, complete unconditional love and connection is what she embodies..the most feminine and powerful light worker I have met..she is purity and truth personified.
What can I say! Donna is just amazing! She has taught me things I would have never even been conscious about. I have spent majority of my life as go go go and she has completely brought me back to living a calm and stress free life. I am truly grateful for her endless amounts of wisdom, joy fullness, happiness and over all love. Donna has opened my eyes to a whole new way of seeing things and a whole new perspective on life. She has continuously taught me to be the most authentic and unique version of myself. I couldn't be more grateful to have such an amazing woman in my life. I Highly recommend!
Donna is a powerful and wise healer and teacher who works behind the scenes to break karmic cords and energies which may be holding one back from attaining one's own freedom. She helped me get out my own self-constructed trap of living for my parents out of guilt and over a year supported me through opening my own healing business process and to break free to pursue my own dreams that I seemed unable to fathom taking seriously in the past. I feel like I'm now at the beginning of a whole new life and I've liberated myself enough to see it more clearly and jump in with full motivation and energy.
Donna, getting to know has been, and is a special gift for which I thank the universe. You have helped transform me, and it has changed my life. You have listened, challenged, guided, taught, and healed me. You are helping me become my true self; a happier, freer, better and deeper person full of love. You have opened my eyes and soul to a wonderful spiritual world of amazing energy, love and respect.
Your care and believe in me. Thank you so much. I am truly grateful. You are amazing.
Meeting Donna has been one of my life's biggest blessings! It's hard to put into words the way she can tune into one's soul and bring to light the things we try to bury in the dark. Perhaps the greatest lesson Donna has taught me is to FEEL my emotions, whatever they are. To recognise them, appreciate them, understand them, and then when they no longer serve... to let them go. When life feels like a tidal pool of stress and worry... Donna and Spectrum Healing are like a breath of fresh air. Since meeting Donna, I can feel my soul getting lighter and more free. I often catch myself dancing in the mornings and laughing a little more. Thank you Donna and Spectrum Healing for bringing the light out of everyone you meet.
Magic! I have seen Donna 4 times now and it's been the most incredible conscious decision I've ever made in my life.. She is truly amazing. Unconditional love and light is what I feel every time I walk out of spectrum healing.. The divine space in which you are held for however long you are in there is out of this universe.. If you are open to it.. It's better than winning the lotto!! Bless Spectrum Healing, Bless the AMAZING DONNA
She is ok…Ha! No, actually, Donna is awesome! So refreshing to meet a healer who genuinely connects with you. Donna understands the relationship between light and dark, which means she deals with the Truth in Light by knowing intimately what the Dark is all about. Highly recommend! Yes, I'm in Love!
My First Spiritual Experience -My wife recently had a spiritual reading a colleague of Donna's. During this reading it was recommended that Donna could assist me with some of my medical conditions - Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, shallow breathing and general state of mind. Whilst I was unsure how she would be able to assist me I was willing to give it a go. My wife made an appointment and off I went a couple of days ago. Donna was a wonderful caring and welcoming women who made me feel very comfortable. She explained carefully how she would be able to help me before helping to clear a number of blockages extending from years gone bye, even back to my entry to this world. Like many others have said in reviews, when I left her I felt lighter, healthier and able to think more clearly. She has asked me to return in a couple of months and I have no hesitation in returning. If you are unsure about seeing Donna, please do yourself a favour and just make the appointment
I saw Donna for the first time a week ago and everything that she said would happen did. It was great to have someone extend so much compassion, empathy and sympathy combined with enthusiasm to get results! I feel I am in good hands with Donna and would recommend to anyone!
An Amazing Revelation - Donna.....What an Amazing woman. I'm just at the start of my Journey at Spectrum Healing and I can not wait for the next visit.... I am so ready to find out who I am, to feel the Freedom to be who I am..... :-)
Donna is an Angel... Simply amazing. She has helped me and my partner beyond this life... She is incredible
Bliss Bliss Biss - From a young age have been very fortunate to realise I have been blessed to be a high energy individual ie. buzzing with feeling of tremendous happiness and general gratitude for everything & everyone around me. Donna is my Angel who guides and nurtures my path to ultimate happiness and blissful life with my beautiful family. Thank you Donna so much for your true healing and spiritual guidance, we are all so grateful to have you in our lives.